Refund Policy

Last updated: July 20, 2024

Thank you for shopping at inayam.

If, for any reason, You are not completely satisfied with our service purchase We invite You to review our policy on refunds.

Order Cancellation

You can cancel the order within 3 days of website creation, if you are not satisfied in the service we have offered and We will refund full money paid by you.

You Can also cancel your order and request your money back till 30 days from the date of website creation But only In case If you face following problems.

Server is down for more than 24 hours due to any domain or hosting related issues.

Website not working and showing any error for more than 24 hours due to any technical issues from our end.

If you are facing above issues you can contact us for both fixing the issue or to cancel the order with our following Contact details.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Refund Policy or wish to cancel order, please contact us:

By email: [email protected]


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